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Coverage of AOMs is Cost-Effective and a Smart Investment
June 2024

The cost of inaction on obesity care is over $100 billion a year.

Read HECCD’s Letter to Lawmakers Regarding the Markup of TROA
June 2024

HECCD applauds the work of Representative Wenstrup and Representative Moore to find solutions to the obesity crisis.

Unmistakable Correlation Between Cardiovascular Health & Obesity
March 2024

The disease of obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular conditions.

Chronic Diseases and Mental Health
October 2023

The American Medical Association (AMA) recognizes obesity as a progressive, chronic disease with multiple
pathophysiological aspects.

The Dangerous Link Between Diabetes & Obesity
July 2023

Treating obesity could reduce the incidence of diabetes by 58%…

Advancing Equity: The Urgent Need to Confront Disparities in Obesity
June 2023

The disease of obesity is literally a life or death issue for millions of Americans…

Access to Anti-Obesity Medications: Ensuring the Full Continuum of Care for People Living with Obesity
April 2023

Obesity is an epidemic, but it doesn’t have to be. It is a preventable and treatable disease…

Equity Emergency: How Outdated Obesity Policy Denies Comprehensive Policies to Communities of Color
December 2022

Current obesity policy is woefully outdated and failing communities of color…

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